Cultivating passion and efficacy through personal, educational, and professional discovery
FSD’s Pyramid of Success-Response to Intervention (RtI) program is a systematic, data-driven approach to instruction that benefits every student."Students are assessed using iReady Diagnostic, DIBELS Next, and then are provided further diagnostic assessments, such as the quick phonics screener or fluency measure, to identify the specific area of need in order to provide a targeted intervention. Additionally, students are continually assessed to determine their rate of improvement and monitor their progress. Instruction is targeted to meet the individual needs of students and integrates resources through a comprehensive system of core instruction
and tiered levels of support. Over the last three years, RtI teachers have supported close to 1800 students K-8 throughout
all 20 schools district-wide. These are teachers from the district who applied to work with students identified as needing academic interventions. There is one full-time RtI teacher per site.Overall student achievement results demonstrate that this innovative and systematic approach to intervention has had a positive impact.