Supporting creative ideas to improve education constantly
We know our students don’t all learn the same way, so why should we expect our teachers do? Within the structure of the traditional school day, we provide access to workshops,in-class coaching, building-based tech facilitators, and some traditional workshop models. Outside of the school day, we pride ourselves on Summer Tech Academy courses, designed by and for our teachers, and a personalized, gamified tech platform, Tech Trek, that provides a back channel for learning.
The Summer Tech Academy began as an app-focused event as teachers were learning the various tools that were available to support the integration of technology. As the skill level of the staff matured, the focus moved from apps to higher level use, supporting the creative approach to demonstrating learning for students.
Tech Trek was built upon the SAMR model, based on the work Dr. Reuben Puentedura. The staff has the opportunity to earn badges at various levels of SAMR. Badges earn points, which can be redeemed on small items or compensation time. Steps of the game include having your work reviewed by a peer and building level administrator. This process enhanced the understanding of the SAMR model for all staff. We update Tech Trek periodically to reflect advancements in classroom technology integration.