Increasing student achievement daily
A new focus of the Lee County Area Technology Center (ATC) is to create a regional academy housed at the Lee County ATC to serve students in the tri-county service region (Lee, Owsley, and Wolfe) with both CTE and general education classes. Prior to the regional approach, only students from Lee County had this opportunity due to proximity. Owsley County and Wolfe County students had to pick morning or afternoon classes and could not always get the classes they chose. The regional approach will allow students to remain at the ATC all day with access to all required classes at one facility.These classes are streamed online from classrooms at the various tri-county high schools.
The ATC is currently working on dual-certification for three teachers to expand class offerings, and exploring grants to support facilitators for blended learning environments. We are utilizing current staff from all three counties—Lee, Owsley and Wolfe—to teach online, unprecedented dual credit classes streamed in to the ATC, like BIO 135. Although the class was challenging, students said it was the best thing they had ever taken for their education because they learned how to successfully prioritize and study for their assignments. Students desire similar classes, so we are partnering closely with HCTC to make it a reality. Because of this class and work with the regional approach, students in the pre-nursing program will have completed the pre-admission requirements to the LPN/RN program upon completing the Pre-Nursing pathway.